About mononeuropathym peripheral

What is mononeuropathym peripheral?

Peripheral neuropathy is an umbrella term that denotes a disorder of, or damage to, the peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system consists of all the motor and sensory nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body (i.e., the nerves outside the central nervous system). The symptoms and physical findings associated with peripheral neuropathies vary greatly from case to case and may be extremely complex.

More than 100 different peripheral neuropathies are recognized, each with a distinguishing set of symptoms, development path, and prognosis. Disorders affecting only one nerve are described as a mononeuropathies while disorders affecting more than one nerve are called polyneuropathies. If two nerves affecting different parts of the body are involved, the disorder is described as a mononeuritis multiplex.

In some cases, symptoms emerge abruptly, progress rapidly, and are slow to subside. Some chronic forms emerge only gradually and progress slowly. Some chronic forms appear to be resolved but are subject to relapses. Most often, symptoms such as pain, tingling, and/or muscle weakness start in both of the feet (bilateral) and progress up the legs. This is usually followed by symptoms in the hands that progress up the arms.

What are the symptoms for mononeuropathym peripheral?

Debilidad muscular symptom was found in the mononeuropathym peripheral condition

Specific symptoms depend on which nerves are affected and may include:

  • loss of sensation
  • tingling and burning
  • lack of feeling, numbness
  • lack of coordination
  • loss of reflexes
  • muscle twitching, cramps, or spasms
  • weakness
  • pain
  • muscle wasting
  • difficulty moving, paralysis

What are the causes for mononeuropathym peripheral?

Neuropathy occurs when nerve cells are damaged or destroyed. Injury is the most common cause of this condition. This includes accidents, falls, or repetitive motion stress.

Other causes include:

  • autoimmune conditions and infections, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, herpes, syphilis, Lyme disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • systemic diseases such as diabetes, kidney disorders, hormonal imbalances, and some types of cancer
  • vascular disorders
  • metabolic disorders
  • improper levels of vitamins E, B1, B6, B9, B12, and niacin
  • some medications, including chemotherapy
  • exposure to industrial chemicals, solvents, and heavy metals like mercury and lead
  • alcoholism

What are the treatments for mononeuropathym peripheral?

Treatment will depend on the underlying cause and the severity of nerve damage. In some cases, the affected body part may get better on its own, in which case treatment would not be required.

If a pre-existing medical condition is causing mononeuropathy, treatment will focus on managing the underlying cause in addition to treating nerve damage. For example, if nerve pain is a complication of diabetes, your doctor may recommend treatments to better control blood sugar levels in order to properly address the nerve damage.

Corticosteroids are commonly used to relieve swelling and pressure caused by mononeuropathy. Pain medication might be used as well to relieve symptoms. A medication called Gabapentin has been shown to be particularly effective in certain types of mononeuropathy.

Physical therapy can be used to help maintain muscle strength in the affected area of the body. If necessary, you may have to wear an orthopedic appliance, such as braces, splints, or special shoes.

If the neuropathy is compression-related, such as with carpal tunnel, surgery may be necessary to address the issue.

Along with whatever form of treatment is chosen, occupational therapy and potential job retraining may be necessary to address mononeuropathy’s effects on day-to-day life. Additionally, acupuncture and biofeedback may be appropriate complementary treatments for this condition.

What are the risk factors for mononeuropathym peripheral?

Anyone can get neuropathy, but your risk increases as you age. This condition is more common in men than in women, and affects Caucasians more than other races. Activities that involve repetitive motion put you at greater risk for compression-related neuropathy.

Is there a cure/medications for mononeuropathym peripheral?

Nerve pain can sometimes last for a long time. Untreated nerve pain can cause permanent nerve damage. Nerve damage can cause a lack of feeling, which can make it difficult to notice a new injury. This can make it more likely that you develop more nerve damage.

Your individual long-term outlook depends on the specific cause. Early treatment generally results in an improved long-term outlook.

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